The issue papers below are the first of a series of 'draft working papers' prepared by WGIG members, reflecting the preliminary findings of various drafting teams. They have been prepared according to a list of issues, which was developed at the First Meeting of WGIG. Mainly due to time constraints it was not possible to develop papers on all issues on the list.

The issue papers are conceived as a brief summary (ideally three to five pages), based on this template. In some cases, due to the complexity of the issues concerned, the papers exceeded this size. The draft working papers have been subject to review by all WGIG members, but they do not necessarily present a consensus position nor do they contain agreed language accepted by every member. The purpose of the drafts is to develop a common understanding on a given issue and to provide a basis for the ongoing work of the group. They are therefore not to be seen as chapters of the final WGIG report, but rather as work in progress and raw material that will be used when drafting the report. The draft working papers have been published here for public comment, so they will evolve, taking into account input from governments and stakeholders. Additional draft working papers will be made available in this section.

List of Papers

- Administration of Internet names and IP addresses  

- Administration of the Root Server system

- Peering and Interconnection

- Telecommunications infrastructure, broadband access, convergence with NGN

- Cyber security, cybercrime

- Competition policy, liberalization, privatization and regulations

- Multilingualization of Internet naming systems

- Spam 

- Dispute Resolution

- Security of network and information systems

- Technical Standards

- Affordable and universal access 

- Social dimensions and inclusion

- VoIP

- E-commerce

- Consumer, user protection and privacy

- Unlawful content and access protection

- Intellectual Property Rights (Executive Summary)

- Cultural and linguistic diversity

- Education and human capacity building

- National Policies and Regulations